The tutorial system

A tutor is a knowledgeable person that provides supplementary education to a student or a small group of students.

In the Philippines, there are many students who struggle a lot just to get a passing grade for their subjects, most especially Mathematics. English and Science are runner-ups. For them, it is important to avail of tutorial services that are readily accessible for them to avoid ending up in summer classes or worse, level retention.

Listed below the types of tutors, together with their usual rates. (For the purpose of currency conversion in this article, $1 is equivalent to ₱45.17 as of July 12, 2015, this time of writing.)

Types of tutors
  1. Neighbor tutors - most tutors fall into this category. They usually ask for ₱100 ($2.21) per hour per student, which is the minimum. They are the jack-of-all-trades when it comes to tutoring. They teach mostly elementary students (kindergarten to Grade 6, and sometimes high school students (Grades 7 to 10). An average of about 1% of city residents are regular tutors.
  2. Teacher tutors - many employed teachers of elementary and high school offer tutoring for their free time. Because of their experience in teaching, they can usually tutor 2 to 3 students at the same time, in which every student will be charged at least ₱80 per hour. That is equivalent to ₱160 to ₱240 per hour, which beats the income of non-teacher tutors. One-on-one tutoring can be charged for up to ₱200 per hour.
  3. Kumon Learning Center Philippines, an
    example of accrediting educational institution
  4. Accredited / certified tutors - few people have acquired licenses from popular educational institutions in the Philippines, which certify that their quality of teaching is superior among all types of tutors. Their rate varies from ₱250 to ₱400 per hour or even higher, whose part is paid for the accrediting institution.
In availing of tutoring services, it is sometimes not the price that determines quality. Nevertheless, it is important to avail of supplemental learning such as tutoring no matter how expensive it may be, as it is an investment for the students' future.